Commercial Insulation Removal

While removing insulation from an attic is not exactly rocket science, how does one, in fact, go about it in an orderly and efficient manner? You can head up to your attic with lots of garbage bags and a shovel and do it yourself, OR the faster and more efficient way is by utilizing the employees and powerful suction power of BF Power Vac's state of the art vacuum truck.

The average attic measures approximately 1,000 square feet, and can have anywhere from 4 to 18 inches of loose-fill insulation. That is a large volume of material. But our equipment has no problem quickly getting this out. We suction the insulation out by using a Power Vacuum Truck that pulls up to 15,000 cubic feet of air per minute.

So, forget the broom, shovel and itchy skin, give BF Power Vac a call for a free quote.


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